
Phillips Brooks House Notes

1917 Bible Class.

The Freshman Bible Class will meet in the Parlor of Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. R. K. Leavitt '17 will lead a discussion of "Optimism."

Study Class to Discuss Africa.

At the same hour Dr. Calkina's class on mission study will meet in the Library. Educational missionary work in Africa will be the subject for discussion. P. G. Wallow '17 will speak on missions in West Africa, especially in Liberia, and J. C. Bosman '15 will tell about the work in South Africa, especially in Natal.

Mexico Topic for Tomorrow.


Dr. John Howland, of Guadalajara, Mexico, will speak on "The Intellectual Awakening in Mexico during the Nineteenth Century" at the meeting of his class on "Mexico" tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock.

Dr. Mott to Address Cabinet.

The Cabinet of Brooks House, which includes the officers of the constituent societies, will meet at Dr. Fitch's house, 29 Follen street, tonight at 8.15 o'clock for the purpose of discussing methods of increasing the attendance at Chapel. The Rev. John R. Mott will be present.
