

Graduate Students Awarded Mention in Intercollegiate Contest.

The judgment in the third annual Intercollegiate Architecture Competition, the most important event in the collegiate architecture world, was rendered yesterday, at Ithaca, N. Y. In Class I., R. J. Richardson of Pennsylvania, won first prize; Harvard men to win "mentions" were as follows: H. Bush-Brown, 2G.S., L. M. Hendrick, 2G.S., and J. H. Stone, 2G.S. In the second class, Walter Antrim of Pennsylvania won first place, while H. T. Keyes 1G.S. secured a "mention." The drawings will be on exhibition in Robinson Hall about the middle of April.

The following architects acted as judges: Mr. Grosvenor Atterbury, Mr. R. P. Bellows, Mr. R. D. Kohn, Mr. Hugh Tallant, and Mr. Lloyd Warren. The architectural schools of Carnegie Institute of Technology, Cornell, Harvard, Illinois, McGill, Pennsylvania and Syracuse were entered in the competition.
