The Northern Division preliminary trials for the championship of the intercollegiate Fencing Association will be held in Harvard Hall, Boston Harvard Club, 374 Commonwealth Avenue, this afternoon and evening at 3 and 8.30 o'clock. The fencing teams of Bowdoin, Harvard and Yale will compete, two of which will take part in the final Championship matches at the Hotel Astor, New York, on April 10 and 11. Only ticket-holders and members of the Club will be admitted; ladies will be admitted in the afternoon only.
The University will be represented by Captain S. F. Damon '14, J. A. Aylen '15, R. von Nardroff '15 and T. J. Putnam '15. The Bowdoin team is composed of Captain Floyd, Leadbetter, Payson and Porritt; the Yale team is made up of Captain Miller, Cook, Downey and Nickerson. At the same time the Central Division--Columbia, Cornell and Williams, will meet at New York, and the Southern Division--Annapolis, Pennsylvania and Pittsburg, will meet at Annapolis.
Six of the nine teams will meet in the finals in New York. Columbia won the championship last year, and has two veterans on this year's team. The Navy and Harvard will be the two other strongest contenders for Columbia's title, in all probability. Both Columbia and the Navy have defeated Harvard in dual meets this year, but Harvard has defeated Bowdoin 9 to 0, and Yale 5 to 4. The University of Pennsylvania has also been defeated by the University team. The latter has the same make-up as last year, and is considerably stronger and more experienced, and should give a good account of itself in the Championships.
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