
BALANCE OF $98.48 TO 1914 FUND

Senior Class Treasurer Reports Finances for Past Year.

R. St. B. Boyd '14, secretary-treasurer of the class of 1914, makes the following statement of its finances from his election in September, 1912, to the recent merger of the balance with the permanent Senior Class fund, now being collected: CREDITS Balance from G. Plimpton '14, Sophomore treasurer,  $39.73 From Class Finance Committee,  296.83 From Junior Dance Committee,  72.34 Subscription at Smoker,  10.15 Rebate,  8.00 Total Credits,  $427.05 DEBITS Student Council dues  $10.00 Dormitory Committee,  10.00 Smokers and entertainments,  126.92 Harvard Union, refreshments,  143.05 Printing,  38.60 Total debits,  $328.57 Balance,  $98.48

The balance has been merged in the permanent Senior Class Fund.
