An opportunity to save students 25 per cent. on merchandise of various kinds is offered by the University Register Board which has a quantity of available trade to dispose of at one-fourth discount. Applications for trade discount with any of the following concerns should be sent to H. A. Murray, Jr., '15, 6 Holyoke place, Tuesdays between 10 and 12 o'clock, or on Friday's between 2 and 3 o'clock, until the April recess:
Aldrich-Clisbee Co., Confectioners; American Fountain Pen Co.; art dealers: J. F. Olsson & Co., Varsity Arts and Crafts Shop; florists: H. R. Comley, N. Fishelson & Son, Howard's Flower Shop; hotels: Lenox, Puritan, Oxford: opticians: A. A. Carter, A. E. Covelle, Pinkham & Smith, J. W. Sanborn; photographers: Byrd Studios, E. Chickering, Garo Studios, A. L. Jamieson, Notman Studio, Pach Bros.; tailors: J. Henry Bean, M. Bornstein, F. H. Clarke, F. Daley, Guilford, Kendrich & Ladd, J. A. Hawkes, U. A. Ridley, J. J. Wallace; theatres: Boston Opera House, Castle Square; miscellaneous: Boston Arena, N. A. Dewitt (dentist), Harvard Auto Co., Harvard Brewery Co., Harvard Furniture Co., R. M. Hitchcock (jeweler), Massachusetts Baths, Miss Marble (stenographer), Old Corner Bookstore, Pureoxia, Sign O' The Green Lantern, Symphony Hall.
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