Lowell Institute Lecture.
Hon. Bertrand Russell, M.A., exchange professor from the University of Cambridge, will deliver the fourth of his series of lectures on the "Scientific Method in Philosophy" at the Lowell Institute tonight at 8 o'clock. His subject will be "The World of Physics and the World of Science." All lectures in this series are open to the public.
1917 Coxswains Needed.
More candidates are wanted for the position of coxswain on the Freshman crews. No previous experience is necessary, the only qualifications being light weight and regular attendance at practice. All men intending to try out should report to A. Beane '11, at Weld boathouse this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Last Cambridge Performance.
The second and last Cambridge performance of "A Bug in a Rug," the Pi Eta musical comedy, will be given in the Pi Eta Theatre this evening at 8 o'clock. Practically all the seats have been sold, but those remaining may be secured from W. R. Dewey, Jr., Thayer 33, at $1.50 each.
The last two performances will be given in the Music Hall, Quincy, tomorrow evening, and in the Exeter Opera House Saturday evening.
Union Library Committee Changes.
Professor E. C. Moore and D. Sargent '13 have been nominated for the Library Committee of the Union in place of Professor Bliss Perry and F. Schenck 3G. Professor Perry has withdrawn from the nominations and F. Schenck will be unable to accept because of absence from the University.
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Mr. Garcelon to Help Freshmen