Its debating teams have long been a source of pride to the University; again and again they have scored victories over Yale and Princeton in the triangular debates, without any very substantial encouragement, financial or otherwise, from the undergraduates. This year the Debating Council aims to have the teams self supporting; they will depend, not on subscription or subsidy, but on the sale of tickets to the debate against Princeton in Sanders Theatre Friday night. The tickets, which are twenty-five and fifty cents, will go on sale in Memorial Hall today. The success of the teams depends is no small measure on the size of the ticket sale. No man can do his best if he feels that his University is not behind him in his effort; and, conversely, a large audience of undergraduates inspires in the team the confidence that brings victory. Every man who has the interest of the University at heart should buy a ticket, and, if possible, attend the debate. The teams have long worked for the University; it is time that the University did something for them.
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