Outdoor practice for the University and Freshman track teams will begin today, when all candidates are to report at the Locker Building at 4 o'clock, ready for work. It is absolutely essential that the men report regularly, as the hard work of the spring season now begins in earnest. Coach Donovan will as usual have charge of the long and short distance runners. While Coach J. F. Powers, formerly of Worcester Academy, will train the field event men.
Owing to the poor condition of the regular track, practice will be for the present held outside underneath the Stadium. Men have been at work during the past week forming a temporary track under the Stadium and preparing places for the broad-jumpers, high-jumpers, and pole-vaulters.
New Managers May Report.
The active competition for second assistant manager of the University team will begin today at 3.30 o'clock, when all candidates are to report to Manager C. G. Squibb '14 at the Locker Building. Any men who failed to report at Hollis 31 on Friday, and who wish to enter the competition, may report this afternoon. No previous experience is necessary.
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Mr. Garcelon to Help Freshmen