

Muddy Field Makes Soccer Contest With Newton Upper Falls Slow, Final Score Being 1 to 0.

The University association football team defeated the Newton Upper Falls team by a score of 1 to 0 in a game at Newton on Saturday. The play was necessarily very slow, as the field was covered with mud, but the University showed excellent form for this time of the season. The score would probably have been larger had not the poor condition of the grounds prevented accurate shooting. J. H. Baker '15 played a very good game, shooting the only goal of the afternoon. Captain H. G. Francke '14 and G. M. Carnochan '14 also starred for the University.

The University line-up was as follows: r.o.f., P. H. Smart '14; r.i.f., J. C. Jennings '15; c.f., J. H. Baker '15; l.i.f., G. M. Carnochan '14, l.o.f., O. G. Ricketson '16; r.h.b., F. C. Grant '14; c.h.b., H. G. Francke '14, (captain); l.h.b., D. F. Fenn '15; r.f.b., T. J. Hudner '15; l.f.b., J. M. Kingman '15; g., B. Nichols '15.

First Freshman Practice.

Candidates for the Freshman association football team will hold their first practice at Soldiers Field at 3 o'clock this afternoon. No previous experience is necessary, and all Freshmen not engaged in other sports are urged to report. A schedule of games with club and school teams is being arranged, and since the first game will be played in about two weeks it is important that as many men as possible report today. Numerals are to be awarded the team at the end of the season.

Yale Also Victorious.


The Yale University soccer team defeated Haverford 3 to 2 at New Haven on Saturday. After the first half had ended a 2 to 2 tie, Tripp made the winning goal in the last 10 minutes of play.
