

Treasurer's Report Shows $370.04 on Hand at Present, With Large Amount Not Collected.

M. J. Logan '15, secretary-treasurer of the Junior class, has recently made his semi-annual statement of the class finances, extending from the beginning of the academic year to March 12, 1914. Since the class has had smaller expenses than most others, the report shows that 1915 is in a most satisfactory condition financially, especially considering that the returns from neither the class dues nor the Junior Dance are complete.

The statement is as follows: CREDITS. Balance from 1912-13,    $343.69 *Class Collection,    276.00 Interest,    .55 Total Credits,    $620.24

DEBITS. Dues to Student Council,  $10.00 Smoker, October 28,1913,  80.97 Smoker January 16,1914,  72.98 Senior Dormitory Committee Expenses,  4.00 *Junior Dance Committee,  50.00 Printing Ballots, etc.,  32.25 Total Debits,  $250.20  $250.20 Cash on hand, March 12,  $370.04 *Class collection not completed. *Returns from Junior Dance not completed.

Estimated increase in credits from $200 to $300 when these two items have been concluded.
