The University indoor track season came to a brilliant close Saturday afternoon when the 390-yard team decisively defeated the B. A. A. in Mechanics Building, and set a new world's record of 3 minutes, 3 seconds for the 1560 yard event, cutting 2 and 3-5 seconds off the former record. The B. A. A. was plainly outclassed, each runner for the University defeating his opponent and adding to the lead given him.
Captain W. A. Barron, Jr., '14 won the toss from Captain Halpin of the B. A. A., thus enabling R. Tower '15 to hold the pole at the start. Burns, the first man for the B. A. A., tried hard to cut in on Tower at the first turn, but the latter ran well and held the inside. Burns made one more attempt to close in on and pass Tower, but failed. The Harvard man gradually opened up a lead, and started F. W. Capper '15 with a four yard advantage on Merrihew. Capper ran finely, and had no trouble in adding to the lead. W. J. Bingham '16 was touched off with an 8 yard start. Contrary to expectations, Halpin, who was thought to be anchor man for the B. A. A., started next in persuit of Bingham. Halpin made a splendid sprint, and was soon at Bingham's shoulder. The latter, however, used excellent judgement, and held the inside in such a way that Halpin could not pass him. The two ran shoulder to shoulder for about 50 yards, then Bingham drew steadily away. Halpin was unable to close up, and Bingham handed over a commanding lead of 10 yards to W. A. Barron, Jr., '14. He drew rapidly away from Meanix, the last B. A. A. runner, and finally crossed the tape 26 yards ahead of him.
Eleven Races, Eleven Victories.
Including the University long and short distance teams and the 1917 four, Harvard has been represented in 11 relay races during the present season, and has won them all. A new dual record with Yale was set by the University long distance team, while the short is now holder of a world's record. The B. A. A. has three times been defeated, but never so conclusively as yesterday. Cornell and Technology were also victims of this championship team, while the long distance men defeated Yale and Technology. Four victories were won by the Freshmen, over Boston College High Scool, Exeter, Yale and Worcester.
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