

Teams Selected to Represent Harvard in Triangular Contest.

As the result of the final trials, the following nine men have been retained to make up the teams in the triangular debate with Yale and Princeton on March 27: Edward Richmond Adams '14, of Galesburg, Ill.; John Bovingdon '15, of Seattle, Wash.; Henry Epstein '16, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Paul Lombard Sayre '16, of Chicago, Ill.; Frank Stern 3L., of Boston; Roscoe Lambert West '14, of Millis. Alternates: L. Brewer 3L., of Mayfield, Ky.; Will Goettling '16, of Seattle; Wash.; Bernhard Henry Knollenberg 1L., of Richmond, Ind.

It cannot be stated positively, however, that the first team will remain unchanged, for as the work of development is carried on for the next three weeks by the men themselves, and D. C. Howard 3L., and C. E. Dunbar 3L., as advisers, some substitutions may be made from the alternates, as has been done frequently in former years. The men will not be assigned to the affirmative or negative team until just before the debate. Time will now be devoted to preparation consisting of debates, conferences with advisers, and library work, in order to acquaint each man with every phase of the subject.

The Coolidge Debating Prize of $100, which goes to the undergraduate making the best showing in these trials, was awarded to Paul Lombard Sayre '16, of Chicago, Ill
