

Meeting of Professional Workers and Students Held in Phillips Brooks House Tonight at 7.

A conference on social service work will be held in Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. The conference will be attended by professional workers from most of the settlements of Greater Boston, by professors particularly interested in social work, and by students, especially those who have been engaged in settlement work this year. The conference will take the form of an informal discussion of the settlement work of the past year, and will aim primarily to develop the points wherein the work can be made more effective for both the settlements and the students.

L. Saltonstall '14, chairman of the social service committee, will preside. The discussion will be limited to one hour, after which there will be refreshments and opportunity for members of the University to meet the professional workers and talk over personally any points that have been brought out in the conference.

The conference will be open to all members of the University. The Social Service Secretary will be in Brooks House today and Friday between 12 and 1 o'clock and tomorrow between 8.30 and 11 o'clock to give full information to all men interested.

Springfield Juniors Here.

The Junior class of the Springfield Training School are guests of the University today. The 70 members of the party have come primarily to attend the social service conference in Phillips Brooks House this evening, but they will also visit the museums, the Gymnasium, and other University buildings.
