
Freshman Debating Managers Report

Candidates for manager of the Freshman Debating team are asked to report to A. C. Trafford '16, Dana 26, this afternoon between 4.30 and 5.30 o'clock. No previous experience is necessary for the competition. Those who are not retained at the Freshman team trials are urged to compete for the managership. Candidates will immediately begin a competitive canvass of the Freshman class. It is necessary that all members of 1917 contribute generously to the support of their debating team as the expenses will include a trip to Princeton.

Trials for the Team.

Candidates for the Freshman triangular debating teams should report in Harvard 6 tomorrow night at 7.15 o'clock for preliminary trials. All members of the Freshman class are eligible, and as twenty men will be retained for further trial, there is unusual opportunity extended to those who compete. Men who intend to try out should notify J. Russell, Jr., '17, Russell, 24, before noon today.
