

University Sharpshooters to Oppose Iowa State Tonight in Last Contest of Hard Season.

The University rifle team will end its season this evening with a match against Iowa State University. This eleventh and final contest is expected to result in a victory for the University, for Iowa is represented by a comparatively weak team.

In nine contests (the Princeton scores not having been received), the University team has defeated but one college, Purdue losing 914 to 911. This is explained by the fact that the team is inexperienced, four of the members being Sophomores and four Juniors. Since the entire team will be eligible to compete next year, the prospects are exceedingly bright for a successful season.

A steady improvement in the work of the team is shown by the fact that the scores have risen from 880 in the first match to 917 in the recent contest with Michigan Agricultural.

The following men have represented the University throughout the season: H. J. Babcock '16, S. T. Barker '15, F. W. Capper '15, L. Clark '16, S. L. French '15, C. C. Patterson, Jr., '16, M. P. Robinson '15, and E. P. Warner '16.
