

Theses on Chemistry, Government, and International Peace Due.

Attention is called to the fact that essays for three prizes are due tomorrow. The William H. Baldwin Prize of $100 is offered by the National Municipal League for the best essay on the subject: "Is the Commission form of Government a Permanent One?" This prize is open to all undergraduates. All essays should be sent to C. R. Woodruff, secretary of the National Municipal League, Philadelphia, Pa.

For the best essay on "International Arbitration," the Lake Mohonk Conference offers a prize of $100 to an undergraduate. Manuscripts should be sent to H. C. Phillips, secretary Lake Mohonk Conference, 3531 Fourteenth street, Washington, D. C.

The Massachusetts Peace Society offers three prizes, $100, $75, and $50, for the best essays on topics relating to "The Substitution of Law for War" in the settlement of international disputes. Honorable mention will be given for essays reaching a certain standard of excellence. Topics suggested by Norman Angell's "The Great Illusion" will be considered by the judges. Essays should be in the hands of Dr. J. L. Tryon, secretary, Boston, not later than tomorrow.

The Messrs. Mallinckrodt, of St. Louis, have announced that they will pay the sum of $500 to a chosen student of chemistry in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences or the Graduate School of Applied Science of the University, during the year 1914-15 on condition that this student will contract to serve in the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works during the year 1915-16 at a suitable salary. The student must have taken at least Chemistry 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11. Preference will be given to a men wishing a broad theoretical training in research as a foundation for subsequent practice of technical chemistry. The time for receiving applications has been changed from April 1 to March 15, when they should be sent to Professor G. B. Baxter, Chairman of the Division of Chemistry.
