
Fencers Soon to Cross Foils

The management of the Harvard fencing team has completed arrangements for the intercollegiate contests which will take place the latter part of this month and the first part of April. The preliminaries of the Northern Division will be held at the Harvard Club of Boston on Saturday afternoon and evening, March 28, when teams from Harvard, Yale, and Bowdoin will compete. Harvard has already won dual matches with these two colleges and stands a good chance of victory at the preliminaries.

The Harvard team is made up of the same men who competed for the University last year: Captain S. F. Damon '14, R. Von Nardroff '15, J. A. Aylen '15, and T. J. Putnam '15.

Contests for the University championship will be held within a short time. The title should go to Von Nardroff, who was the honor last year, as his standard of work is more generally excellent than that attained by any of the other Harvard fencers.
