
Items of University Interest

Military Camp Information.

Those who have become interested in the Student Military Camps, and who contemplate attending the one at Burlington, Vt., can get pamphlets, applications and reading matter giving full particulars by applying to the Harvard Secretary, P. M. Rice '15, Russell 22, or by writing to Captain R. O. Van Horn, Gen. Staff, U. S. Army, Office of Chief-of-Staff, War Department Building, Washington, D. C.

1917 Rifle Shoot.

The Freshman rifle team will hold its last scheduled meet tonight in the Cage when they will shoot against the New York Military Academy. So far the Freshmen have had three meets and have defaulted two of them, to Culver Academy and St. John's Military Academy (Wisconsin). The score of the Dartmouth 1917 team in the meet last week has not yet been received.

Shot-put Competition.


The first of a series of handicap shot-put competitions will be held in the Cage tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Everybody in the University who has any ability in this event is urged to enter.

Musical at Harvard Club.

Mr. Edward Ballentine '05, pianist, and Mr. Greendberg, violinist, will give a recital at the Boston Harvard Club, the corner of Commonwealth and Massachusetts avenues, this evening at 8.30 o'clock. The recital is open to members of the Club and their guests.

Professor Wilson on Mexico.

Professor G. G. Wilson, the University's authority on International Law, will speak on the "Mexican Situation" for the Victorian Club of Boston in the Bellevue Hotel tonight at 8.30 o'clock. An invitation has been extended to the Diplomatic Club to attend the meeting.

Expenses of Married Students.

A committee of the Graduate Schools Society of Phillips Brooks House is compiling statistics concerning the living expenses of married men doing graduate work at Harvard. Phillips Brooks House has felt the need of data upon this subject for use in answering questions of men intending to come to the University. A list of 21 questions is to be sent to the hundred or more married men in the Graduate Schools by the committee.
