New Haven, Conn, March 10, 1914.--The most important event of the week was the convention of the Religious Association, which opened Wednesday and closed Sunday. Among the prominent speakers were President Hadley; Charles F. Thwing LL.D., president of Western Reserve University and of the Religious Association; District Attorney Charles S. Whitman of New York; Rev. John R. Mott; Rabbi Wise; Professor William H. Taft.
The 36th anniversary dinner of The News was held Saturday night in the ballroom of the Hotel Taft. Nearly 250 guests were entertained. Prominent among the speakers were Norman Hapgood, who described Journalistic ideals; President Hadley, who praised. The News; and Secretary Anson Phelps Stokes, who spoke on Yale Culture. R. A. Douglas, chairman of the out-going board, R. H. Macdonald, Jr., present chairman, and Stoddard King, 1914 managing editor, who acted as toastmaster, were also speakers. The annual banquet of the Courant was held Monday evening in Memorial Hall.
At different meetings during the week for the election of 1916 Shef. and 1916 Academic competitors for managerships, the following were chosen: H. Lyman 1916 and A. H. Bunker 1916S., track competitors; H. J. Crocker 1916 and D. G. Buchanan 1916S., baseball competitors; D. C. Elkin 1916 and J. N. Smith 1916S., crew competitors.
The following six men from the class of 1915 were elected to the board of the Yale Literary Magazine: Archibald MacLeish, chairman; J. C. Peet, book reviewer; O. McKee, memorabilia; F. W. Tuttle, editor's table; J. C. Brown, managing editor; A. H. O'Gara, business manager.
On Wednesday evening the University hockey team ended its season by defeating the New York Hockey Club by a score of 2 to 0. The University Gymnasium team was defeated Friday by New York University.
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