

1917 Will Stage Big Event in Union.--Earnest Support From Class Necessary for its Success.

The date of the Freshman banquet has been set for Tuesday evening, March 24. It will be held in the Living Room of the Union. Invitations, in the form of return postals, will be sent to each member of the class during the course of the week. Everyone is urged to fill out, the postals and return them to the Dinner Committee as soon as possible. As this is the first banquet of the class of 1917 it is hoped that a large number will be present.

Dues Collected by Competition.

At a meeting of the Freshman finance committee last night plans were made for a two weeks canvass of the class, in which the members of the committee will compete. The four who collect the largest amounts will be appointed chairmen of sub-committees, which will take up further collection from those sections of the class not yet reached.

All members of the class of 1917 are expected to contribute at least one dollar; and those who are able to do so are urgently requested to give more. The money will be used to provide refreshments and entertainment, which will probably take the form of music or moving pictures, for four smokers planned for the remainder of the year, and to pay that part of the Freshman dinner expenses not made up by the sale of tickets.

78 Report for Red Book.


Seventy-eight men announced themselves as candidates for the board of the 1917 Red Book at last night's meeting in the Trophy Room of the Union. This establishes a new record, and promises well for the success of the Book. The men are divided among the various departments as follows: Art 10, business 17, copy 41, and cuts 10. Notices will be given in the CRIMSON of the meetings of these groups. Business candidates may not solicit advertisements until instructed to do so. Four memberships in the Union for next year will be given as prizes to the four leaders in the business competition, provided they secure over $100 worth of advertising.
