
Several Lectures Scheduled

Prof. Spalding on Music.

Professor W. R. Spalding '87, of the Music Department, will deliver his seventh lecture on "The Evolution of the Art of Music," at the Lowell Institute this evening at 8 o'clock. The special subject will be "Modern Symphonists and National Schools," and the lecture will be repeated tomorrow afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. The next and last lecture in the series will be given at the Lowell Institute on Friday evening at 8 o'clock.

Prof. Wilson on Monroe Doctrine.

G. G. Wilson, professor of International Law, will speak upon "The Development of the Monroe Doctrine" at the Speakers' Club this evening at 6.30 o'clock. He will trace the development through all its successive phases with particular reference to the more recent modifications. All members of the club and their friends are invited.

Mission Study Lecture.


L. O. Wright '14, of Chihuahua, Mexico, will speak on "Political Evolution," at a meeting of the Mission Study Class in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. All members of the University are invited to attend and participate in the discussion.
