
Freshman Bible Class

Dr. Fitch will be unable to lead the Freshman Bible Class during the second half-year. But since a large number of men voted at the last meeting to continue the class just the same, regular sessions will be held throughout the year. The plans for the second-half are as follows: Leaders from the Freshman class will conduct each meeting, and subjects of special interest to the Freshman class will be chosen for each Monday evening. Professors and upper classmen will speak. There will be a period of general discussion and the usual singing.

The topics and leaders for the first four meetings are as follows: February, 9th, Practical Christianity, L. A. Morgan; February 16th, Our Duty to Harvard, J. D. Crichton; February 23rd, Friends, L. H. Bevier; March 2nd, Ideals, F. Fremont-Smith.
