

University Team Defeated by Substitutes But Defeats Second Seven in Scrappy Contest.

The University hockey team had two twenty-minute scrimmages yesterday afternoon, the first against the second team resulting in a 5 to 0 victory, and the second against the substitute team resulting in a 2 to 1 defeat for the University players. Special emphasis in the coaching was laid upon greater accuracy in shooting, and to this end tin discs were hung in the scrappy game the University team completely out classed the seconds, keeping the punk in the neighborhood of the latter's goal almost all time. Only the excellent work of S agar at goal saved the second team from a far worse defeat. The University tallies were made by Willetts, Hopkins, Clark, Phillips, and Smart.

In the scrimmage between the University team and the substitutes played on the whole a faster and more aggressive game, Wanamaker and Doty each earning a goal during the first part of play, Adams, who replaced Phillips at right centre on the University team, scored the only point for the latter in the last few minutes. The line-ups: UNIVERSITY  SUBSTITUTES. Smart, Devereux, r.w.  l.w., Curtis Phillips, Adams, r.c.  lc., Wanamaker Hopkins, l.c,  r.c., Saltonstall Clark, Cunningham, l.w.  r.w., Morgan Claflin, c.p.  c.p., Clark, Doty Willetts, p.  p., McKinlock Carnochan, g.  g., Washburn
