

Track Authorities will Confer on Important Issues and Reforms.

Unusually important matters will come before the executive committee of the I. C. A. A. A. A. at their second mid-winter session in New York tonight.

Location of Meet.

The most important question to be decided is the location of the Intercollegiate track games to be held May 29 and 30. The choice is thought to lie between Harvard, Pennsylvania and Syracuse. The latter, however, will probably not get the games for a few years. Although the Stadium was the scene of the I. C. A. A. A. A. games last year, the general approval of the management of the meet and the facilities here, may succeed in convincing the committee that the meet should be held here for the second consecutive time. Pennsylvania, however, is well located, and has a record of many meets well staged.

System of Scoring.

Another important point to be considered is the scoring in the Intercollegiate meet. It has been proposed that the system be altered so that five places count, first place for 5 points, second 4, third 3, and so on. Lastly, the question of the proposed indoor track meet will be settled. This plan calls for a meet to be held every March with championships awarded and points scored on the usual basis. There will be several relays at distances varying from 150 yards to 2,000 yards to the man. The field events will be contested by teams of five men, the team having the lowest score (as in cross-country) will be the winner.


These three cases together with several minor ones will make the meeting tonight of unusual interest.
