
For Greater Good-Fellowship

The University Musical Clubs will have a dinner in Boston at the Lombardy Inn on Wednesday, March 4, at 6.30 o'clock. This will be the first dinner in many years which the clubs have had together, and the revival of the custom will do much toward strengthening the relations of the three organizations. Plans for next year's western trip will be discussed, and full particulars will be given concerning the proposed plan for "doubling up," a system in successful use at Yale, whereby men must play in two clubs. It is hoped that by this means the travelling expenses of the clubs will be greatly decreased.

Special entertainment will be provided. The dinner committee is as follows: R. McIntosh '14, for the Banjo Club; W. B. Breed '15, for the Guitar and Mandolin Club; and P. Blackmur '15, for the Glee Club.
