

Runners Compete In N. E. A. A. A. U. Games at Mechanics Building.--Relay for B. A. A. Race.

The University will be represented by a large squad of runners at the N. E. A. A. A. U.--championships, which will be held in the Mechanics Building, Boston, tonight at 7.30 o'clock. The meet is run off under the auspices of the Boston Athletic Association. None of the Harvard relay teams will run, and accordingly the men are entered individually in the various events. Those of the 390-yard relay team who run will probably hold back and save themselves for the match race with the B. A. A. team tomorrow.

Both Junior and Senior Events.

Since it is a championship meet, the events will all be scratch. There will be both Junior and Senior events, and the difference between them being that no winner of a N. E. A. A. A. U. championship in eligible for the former. This meet will bring the indoor season to a conclusion for most of the University runners. The 390-yard team, however, will run tomorrow and the University will also be represented at the Pennsylvania Relay Carnival on April 25. The entries for the meet tonight are as published in yesterday's CRIMSON.

Relay Against B. A. A. Chosen.

The relay team, which will run for the University against the B. A. A. in the Schoolboy Meet tomorrow afternoon, has been selected by Coach Donovan, and is as follows: W. A. Barron, Jr., '14, W. J. Bingham '16, F. W. Capper '15, and R. Tower '15, substitute, A. Biddle '16. Seats for this meet are now on sale at the H. A. A. Office, Those on the main floor are $1, and afford a good view of the entire track.
