Th University hockey team defeated the substitutes 4 to 0 in an hour's scrimmage at the Arena yesterday afternoon. The extension of the skating area to its usual length of 220 feet, made the play less congested than the scrimmages of the last week, when the shortened rink was used in preparation for the game at New York. Omitting the usual preliminary drill, the University immediately faced the substitutes in an hour's hard scrimmage. The play was fast and at times marked by brilliant team-work. A faster attack together with swifter shots and passes characterized yesterday's work. Against the strong substitute defense, the University forwards showed an aggression and variety of play that resulted in four scores besides many dangerous shots.
Yesterday for the first time, Willetts, Phillips, and Claflin, who were injured in the second Princeton game, played with their usual ability. The attack centered around Hopkins, who made several brilliant rushes and supported his team-mates with well-aimed passes, while Willetts showed his quondam form on the defense.
The line-up:
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