History of Debating on Sale.
Tomorrow for the first time the "History of Harvard Debating" will be put on sale. Copies may be obtained at the Co-operative or from R. L. West '14, Stoughton 7, for 50 cents.
The authors of this pamphlet, which contains an introduction by A. P. Stone '93, are H. B. Goodfriend '14 and A. N. Levin '14. The history contains records of every debate held between Harvard and Yale, and Harvard and Princeton, with the names of contestants, judges, etc. In addition the names are given of the winners of the Coolidge Prize, the Pasteur Medal, and the Phillips Memorial Scholarship.
The book is in every way a complete record of debating at Harvard since 1982. It will be a valuable asset to all interested in the past and present of this work.
1917 Hockey Numerals.
For playing in the game against the Yale freshmen last Saturday, the following men have been awarded the 1917 hockey numerals, subject to the ratification of the Athletic Committee; Edwin Oshorne Baker, of Cambridge; Robert Baldwin, of West Newton; Edmund Stevens Childs, of Lexington; Thomas Knight Fisher of Leominster; Jose Calderon Harris, of Brookline; Gustav Hermann Kissel, of Morristown, N. J.; Captain John Edward Parsons Morgan, of New York City; Theodore Holton Rice, of Brookline; Richard Dupree Roquemore, of West Newton; Greenough Townsend, of Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y.; Francis Minot Weld, of Readville; John Irton Wylde, of Boston; and Manager James Windsor Hubbell, of Des Moines, Iowa.
Scholarship Applications.
Application for the Price Greenleaf Aid, James A. Rumrill Scholarships, and Charles Elliott Perkins Scholarships from persons intending to enter the College next fall as Freshman or otherwise, must be placed with the Secretary of the Faculty by Saturday. Only undergraduates who are studying for the degree of A.B. may secure the Aid.
Pole-Vault Competition.
The Winter Track Carnival came to a close yesterday afternoon when the handicap pole-vault competition was held. The following men were entered: G. E. Abbot '17, J. B. Camp '15, M. L. Greeley, Jr., '15, G. G. Haydock '16, and L. G. Richards '16.
Since J. B. Camp '15 is an "H" man his Vault was not officially considered in the results. L. G. Richards '16, (3 inches), won the event with an actual vault of 11 feet; second G. G. Haydock '16, (6 inches), with a vault of 10 feet; theird, M. L. Greeley, Jr., '15, (3 inches), with a vault of 9 feet, 9 inches.
War With Mexico.
The Speakers' Club will hold the second of its weekly dinners tonight at 6.30 o'clock. After dinner there will be a general discussion on "The War With Mexico." The topics was chosen in connection with the course of talks on current events which the club proposes to hold this year.
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Gymnastic Meet at Providence