
Fiscal Affairs of Senior Class

The 1914 class treasurer's records show that $7098.54 has been subscribed to the class fund. One-fifth of that amount, about $1420, is due before graduation, and as only $499.44 of this has been sent in; it is evident that the matter needs the serious attention of every Senior.

At present, contributions and payments have not only slowed down, but have almost stopped. This general slowness in contributing may be caused by a misunderstanding of the purpose of the fund, which is primarily to finance class reunions. Thus, when 1914 men return for their big reunions, they will be entertained by the money in the fund, and as the scale of those celebrations will depend entirely on present subscription, there is obvious advantage in generosity.

All Seniors are urged to fill out their subscription cards immediately and send them to R. St. B Boyd '14, Hollis 30, who will gladly send new cards to replace those which may have been lost.
