


Harvard will be represented by a large squad of runners at the N. E. A. A. A. U. Indoor Championships, which will be held tomorrow night at 7.30 o'clock at the Mechanics Building. The meet is to be under the auspices of the Boston Athletic Association. Since it is a championship meet, the events will all be scratch. There will be both Junior and Senior events and the distinction between them is that no winner of a N. E. A. A. A. U. championship is eligible for the former. Harvard will not be represented by a relay team on Friday since the men are entered individually in the various events. This is the last meet of the indoor season for most of the University runners. The relay team, however, will run on Saturday against the B. A. A., and the University will also be represented at the Pennsylvania Relay Carnival on April 25.

The Harvard entries are as follows:

Junior Events.

40-yard dash--E. A. Teschner '17, W. Rollins '16, W. Willcox '17, R. W. Stanley '17, G. H. Crocker, Jr., '17, E. W. Mahan '16.

440-yard dash--E. A., Teschner '17, W. Rollins '16, W. Willcox '17, R. W. Stanley '17, G. H. Crocker, Jr., '17, E. W. Mahan '16, J. R. Abbot '14, A. Biddle '16, A. J. de Gozzaldi '14, T. R. Pennypacker '16, J. C. Rock '15.


1-mile run--F. H. Blackman '14, H. G. MacLure '15, A. R. Bancroft '17.

Senior Events.

40-yard dash--E. A. Teschner '17, W. Willcox '17, R. W. Stanley '17, G. H. Crocker, Jr., '17.

300-yard dash--E. A. Teschner '17, A. Biddle '16, E. W. Mahan '16, R. W. Stanley '17, W. Willcox '17.

600-yard run--J. C. Rock '15, A. J. de Gozzaldi '14, E. A. Teschner '17, F. W. Capper '15.

1000-yard run--H. G. MacLure '15, F. H. Blackman '14, R. D. Campbell '17.

45-yard hurdles--M. P. Robinson '15, R. G. Carter '16, T. O. Freeman '14.

Shot-put--C. E. Brickley '15, R. T. P. Store '14, H. R. Hardwick '15.

High jump--J. B. Camp '15, A. T. Bunten '14, A. D. Chandler '14.
