

Usually the alumni of a college return to its ancient halls in the feast days of June when, of all times of the year, it is as college is not. On Monday last Yale inaugurated a movement calculated to permit graduates to see college as it is. Washington's Birthday, left unoccupied by the abolishment of the traditional fence rush, was set aside as "Alumni University Day"; and to celebrate the occasion over two hundred and fifty graduates turned to New Haven. They were taken on tours of the various University buildings, and heard talks on Yale problems by President Hadley, Dean Jones, Secretary Stokes and others; the chance for an investigation of the routine and progress of the college was offered them worth the name.

In these times when alumni are working more and more for their colleges and the relationship between graduate and University is consequently becoming closer and closer, such an experiment as Yale's is observed with interest and its success noted. An Alumni University Day, working toward co-operation, the end of the Commencement Reunions, yet filling a different and a valuable place, should grow in popularity.
