Only two of the gymnasium committees which began the collection of overdue pledges reported yesterday. The Sophomore committee collected $64 and the Freshman committee obtained $26.50 in new pledges. The two upper class committees will begin the canvass at once, for the chairmen have set the goal for the next two weeks' work at $10,000. Only about one-half of the $12,000 pledged by undergraduates has so far been collected.
The first half-payments from the Freshman class became due February 16, and all checks, payable to the Harvard Gymnasium Committee, should be sent at once to the committee, care of Lee, Higginson & Co., 40 State street, Boston. The second Freshman payments are due April 1, notices of which will be sent out this week. Only a few of the Freshmen on the sub-committee reported to the chairman. The 18 members of the committee already announced are expected to begin the canvass immediately.
The 1917 committee will report at Hapgood 4, the 1916 committee at Hapgood 1, and the 1915 and 1914 committees at Hampden 42 this evening between 7 and 8 o'clock.
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Gymnastic Meet at Providence