The twenty-third annual meeting and dinner of the Harvard Teachers Association will take place at the University on Saturday, March 7. The topics to be discussed will deal with the influence of personality in education and the teaching of ideals. At the morning session, which begins in Sanders Theatre at 9.45 o'clock, William McAndrews, principal of the Washington Irving High School, New York City, will speak on "The Principal and His Teachers: the Plague of Personality," and Herbert S. Weaver, principal of the High School of Practical Arts, Boston, will speak on "The Personal Influence of the Principal Upon his Pupils." The morning session will be open to the public.
The speakers at the dinner in the Union at 1 o'clock will be Professor R. B. Perry '97 and James H. Tufts, professor of philosophy, University of Chicago, both of whom will speak on "The Teaching of Ideals." The meeting in the Union will be open only to members of the association and their guests. At the morning meeting there will also be a general discussion led by members of the association.
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