Fees at Dining Halls.
From today on the entrance fee for those signing up for board at Memorial Hall will be $3 instead of $5. The fee at Foxcroft has been correspondingly reduced from $3 to $2.
Journalism Prohibited to Athletes.
The Board of Athletic Control of Princeton University has decided not to allow any of the athletes under its charge to write "specialist" stories for the daily papers. Last fall several of the football players wrote signed articles for the newspapers. This brought on the action of the Board.
Pool Tournament In Union.
Entries for the pool tournament which begins in the Union today number 36. Although this is comparatively few, 80 entries being made last year the contest promises to be close, and will last probably a month. There is one scratch, 5 low mark, and 30 high-mark men. The preliminary round is to be played off by next Saturday, and the first round by the following Saturday, March 7. Drawings for succeeding rounds will be made later.
Citizenship Essay Prize.
The Intercollegiate Civic League has offered a prize of $100 for the best essay on the following subject:
"What training, whether resulting from a college course of study, from extra-curricular activities, or from both, would in your judgment best fit an undergraduate in an American college to undertake, upon graduation, the duties of citizenship?"
This competition is open to undergraduates in any American college or university. The essays, which may not exceed 5000 words, must be in the hands of the secretary of the league by May 15. For further information address the secretary, E. M. Sait, Columbia University, New York City.
Prize for Peace Essay.
Another contest on the order of the one previously announced by the Massachusetts Peace Society, is that recently initiated by the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration. This body has offered a prize of $100 to the undergraduate of any college in the United States or Canada who writes the best essay on "International Arbitration." The donor of this prize is C. D. Pugsley '09, and the judges are Hon. Charlemagne Tower, Rear Admiral J. P. Merrell, and Mr. A. D. Call, executive director of the American Peace Society.
The essays, which may not exceed 5000 words, must be in the hands of H. C. Phillips, 3531 14th street, Washington, D. C., by March 15. For further information address Mr. Phillips.
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