
Gym Situation Cleared Up.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

There seems to have been a great deal of misunderstanding concerning the plans for a new gymnasium, and it is high time that this tangle is straightened out, and the positions of all concerned fairly known. The main difficulty lately has come through the unauthorized and unsubstantiated reports that were circulated in the Boston papers earlier in the week, which implied that an official graduate committee was to be appointed, and that the University was to be officially connected with the campaign. This is not, and never was true.

President Lowell's position in the matter was plainly stated in his communication yesterday, and this is the position that he has maintained throughout. The graduates are at perfect liberty to make an unofficial and voluntary campaign for the gymnasium, and this is only due to the undergraduates who have supported the project so well, on the understanding that the work would be later taken up by the graduates. It is hard to tell how soon such a campaign would be successful in the raising of the entire sum, but it is certainly evident that a gymnasium is needed, and must eventually be built. This was the understanding on which the undergraduates pledged their money, and is the understanding on which they should base their payment. The committee does not plan and does not wish to receive money under false pretences, but it does expect every man who pledged money for the sake of having an up to date gymnasium connected with the University to live up to his word.

The classes will shortly be canvassed for their unpaid pledges, and we hope to see every man redeem his pledge and help on this movement, even if he does not expect to see the consummation of it.

It is now, also, plainly the duty of the graduates to take up their share of the work, and respect the confidence that the College has placed in them. GYMNASIUM COMMITTEE.
