
Churchmen Convene at Andover

The annual conference of New England Student Churchmen begins at Amherst this afternoon. All Episcopal churchmen, students and professors in the University are cordially invited to attend. Entertainment without expense will be provided by the churchmen of Amherst. The convention will close Sunday with a meeting at 3 o'clock. Following is today's program:

6.00 P. M.--Dinner: Hitchcock Hall. Smoke talk: Mr. R. H. Gardiner.

8.00 P. M.--Reception: Grace House. Speakers: President Alexander Meikle-john of Amherst College, Rt. Rev. T. F. Davies, D.D., Bishop of Western Massachusetts, Rev. Ellis Bishop, Grace Church, Amherst.

Trains for Amherst leave Boston (North Station), at 1.40, 3.57, and 5.41 o'clock this afternoon. It is hoped that all who can will take the 1.40 train. Returning, a train leaves Amherst Sunday afternoon at 5.01 o'clock. All these trains run through direct to Amherst.
