

Complete List of Mid-Years in the College and Graduate Schools for Today and Tomorrow.

The complete schedule of examinations to be given in all departments of the University today and tomorrow is published below. Unless otherwise stated examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock. Examinations Today Anthropology 1,  Emerson D Botany 2,  Zool. Lec.-rm. Chemistry 2,  New Lec. Hall Comp. Lit. 25,  Sever 6 Economics 5: Abe to Starbuck (inclusive),  Sever 5 Suzuki to Willetts (inclusive),  Sever 6 Engineering 6k,  Pierce 202 Engin. Sciences 16,  Pierce 302 English 1: Adams to Priest (inclusive),  Sever 23 Rabe to Wyner (inclusive),  Sever 24 Fine Arts 1f (Land. Arch. 1),  Pierce 209 Fine Arts 2c,  Sever 37 Fine Arts 5f,  Sever 18 Geology 8,  Sever 18 German 1a I,  Sever 24 German 21,  Sever 18 Government 3,  Emerson J Government 7,  Wadsworth 15 History 1: Mr. George's sects.,  Zool. Lec.-rm. Mr. McDonald's sects.,  Harvard 6 Mr. Newhall's sects. B1, B2,  Sever 36 Mr. Newhall's sects. B3, B4,  Sever 30 Mr. Wriston's sects. C1, C2,  Sever 29 Mr. Wriston's sects. C3, C4,  Sever 35 History 3a,  Sever 11 History 9,  Holden Italian 2,  Holden Mathematics 2b II,  Harvard 5 Mathematics 7,  Harvard 5 Music 2,  Holden Philosophy 18: Barker to Lane (inclusive),  Emerson A Lindquist to Williams (inclusive),  Emerson F Physics 6a,  Sever 6 Graduate School of Applied Science. Engineering 6K,  Pierce 202 Engineering 7K,  Pierce 202 Landscape Arch. 1,  Pierce 209 Examinations Tomorrow. Economics 33 hf.  Harvard 6 English 9,  Emerson J Fine Arts 1a,  Harvard 5 French 4,  Harvard 6 Government 19,  Harvard 5 Greek 3 hf.  Harvard 6 Greek 7 hf.  Harvard 6 History 21,  Harvard 6 History 48,  Harvard 6 Philosophy 25,  Emerson J Social Ethics 8,  Emerson J Graduate School of Applied Science. Engineering E 17K,  Pierce 208
