

Seven Showed Improvement in Team-Play in Yesterday's Practice.

Improvement was shown by the University seven in yesterday's practice. Preliminary work in passing and shooting resulted in a number of goals despite a stiff opposition by the University defense. In the half-hour's scrimmage which followed, the University defeated the substitutes 3 to 0. A marked improvement in form and team-work, was evident. Though their play was at times slow and ragged, they kept their line better and passed with more accuracy than they have shown since Saturday's game. Both Adams and Wanamaker played an aggressive game, getting off many well-aimed shots. The University defense stopped the substitutes' attack well.

A telegram was received from Captain Willetts yesterday saying that he expects to be back for practice today. His injury is not as serious as was at first feared. Although Phillips injured hand is not strong enough yet to enable him to manage a stick, it is expected that he will start the Princeton game next Saturday. Hopkins though still disabled for active play by his strained back, will probably be in the game again before Saturday. With the probable recovery of the University forwards and the improvement shown in yesterday's practice, the outlook for Saturday's game is by no means discouraging.
