

Committee in Trouble Because of Neglect to Keep Appointments.

There are 50 men from the first third of the Senior class, which includes those from Abbe to Hyde, who did not have their photographs taken during the time allotted them. The men of this group must have their sittings this week without fail, for they will otherwise upset the whole schedule. The prints of the first third of the class will go to the engraver on Thursday, and the committee desires all men to have their sittings before that day.

Only one-half of the class has at present sent in their Class Lives. March 1 is the last day on which they may be received, and it is important that the committee receive them early. Extra blanks may be obtained from O. G. Saxon '14, Stoughton 4.

The second third of the class, including those men from Ingraham to Swift, must have their sittings between Monday, February 16 and February 21. Men in the last third of the class must have them before March 6, but may arrange for dates previous to that time.

In order to out down the price of the Album this year, and to put it within reach of all members of the class, the committee has decided to secure advertisements. This is the first time this has been done, but the amount of advertising will be limited, and will be of the best quality. Any who wish to assist the committee in securing advertisements will be presented with an Album free when he has obtained two pages.
