Photograph Appointments.
Up to now, only 114 Seniors have had their photographs taken for the 1914 Class Album. All will have proofs sent to them from which they must choose the best and return it to Notman's Studio, indicating that it is to go in the Album. Otherwise the Photograph Committee will choose the one they think is the best. As the photographs of the first division from Abbe to Hyde will go to the engraver next Thursday, haste is necessary for those who have not had their sittings. The next division from Ingraham to Swift should make appointments at Notman's for their pictures before February 21.
Class Lives.
All Seniors must send in their class "lives" before March 1. So far only 242 men have done so.
Book Plate Designs.
March 15 is to be the last day for handing in the designs for the book-plate for the Album to R. H. Kettell, Holworthy 15. The winner of the competition will receive one Album free.
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