
History of Harvard Debating

The growing interest in intercollegiate debating has prompted the writing of a "History of Harvard Debating" by A. N. Levin '14 and H. B. Goodfriend '14 with an introduction by debating judge A. P. Stone '93. The pamphlet of 65 pages contains a record of every debate held between Harvard and Yale, and Harvard and Princeton. The account of each meet contains the names of all contestants, presiding officers, and judges, and the decisions rendered. The list of subjects of all debates furnishes an excellent catalogue for reference. Names of the winners, since 1898, of the Coolidge prize of $100, the Pasteur Medal, and the Philips Memorial Scholarship are also given. The methods and principles of debating at Harvard and other universities are treated at length and the authors show why the work has been so successful. Mr. Stone '93, in his introduction, writes a description of the triangular debating arrangement between Harvard, Yale, and Princeton and an instructive criticism from the view-point of a judge. His comments upon the contests themselves and his instructions to judges are interesting and useful.

The pamphlet is a complete record of every phase of Harvard debates from 1892 to 1913, and will undoubtedly receive much attention in the various university clubs. It will be put on sale the latter part of next week at the Co-operative, or by R. L. West '14, Stoughton 7, and the price is 50 cents.
