
Design for Five Acre Estate

The semi-annual competition for the Topiarian Club Trophy will be held during the first three days of next week in the School of Landscape Architecture. It is open to members of Landscape Architecture II and III, and the subject is the design of a country estate of about five acres, which must include a formal garden. The competition will be judged on Thursday by Mr. Charles A. Platt of New York, one of the foremost designers of country houses and gardens in this country.

Topographic maps and other data will be given out to competitors at 10 o'clock Monday morning, and all designs must be handed in at the office of the School on or before 5.30 o'clock Wednesday. First, second, and third places will be awarded at the judgment on Thursday. The winner will have his name inscribed on the trophy and will have possession of it until the next competition.

The trophy is a large cup given in the spring of 1912 by an unknown donor. It comes into the permanent possession of that person who wins it twice in succession.
