The attention of members of the University, both undergraduates and graduate students, is called to the Francis Boott Prize of $100 offered for a composition written for four or more voices and with or without accompaniment The text may be either secular or sacred at choice.
If the music is of sacred character, the type exemplified in Chembine, Mozart, etc., is recommended in Mr. Boott's bequest. The committee suggests as texts Milton's "Blest pair of sirens" ("At a solemn music"), and the "Sanctus" or "Benedictus" of the Roman Catholic mass. Compositors may, however, choose any words that they wish.
The prize (one hundred dollars) will be awarded only in case a composition is submitted which, in the opinion of the judges, is deserving of it. The title page of each manuscript submitted must be signed with an assumed name or a motto, the same to be written on the envelope of a sealed letter, in which is enclosed the name and address of the competitor. Manuscripts are to be in the hands of the chairman of the committee, Arthur Foote '74, before April 15. The other members of the committee are George A. Burdett '81, and Frederick S. Converse '93.
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