The University hockey team will leave today for New Haven, where they meet Yale in the second game of the series. The game last Friday night proved somewhat disappointing for both teams--for Yale in their defeat after a close game, and for Harvard in the periods of apparent raggedness of play and inaccurate shooting. Since then, however, the team has been drilled principally in close team-work among the forwards and quick shots, and it is hoped that the improvement will be apparent in the game tonight.
On the Harvard defense Claflin and Willetts are as good a combination as can be found in intercollegiate hockey. Phillips and Hopkins, in the centre of the forward line, showed up to advantage at times in the last game. But there was lacking that concentrated effort and quick following back that was so evident in the Princeton game, and which was largely responsible for Harvard's victory.
The Yale team are dangerous chiefly for their quick interference which left the puck so often in front of the Harvard goal during the game last Friday. Sweeney and MacDonald are the two men most to be feared.
The whole squad will go down to New Haven, so that there will be no lack of substitutes in case of a long game such as that with Princeton. They will meet in the Square at 12.05, to take the 1 o'clock train from the South Station.
The line-up: The practice for the team yesterday afternoon lasted only about 15 minutes for the regulars and half an hour for the substitutes and consisted chiefly in taking the puck through the defense in pairs and fours. The remaining time was taken up by a game between the B. A. A. and the Freshmen, which resulted in a 2 to 1 victory for the B. A. A. Baker scored the goal for the Freshmen.
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