
Boston Presentation of Faust.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Allow me to call the attention of all lovers of the drama to the performance of the first part of Goethe's Faust to be given at the Shubert Theatre on February 24 at 2.15 o'clock under the auspices of the Bostoner Deutsche Gesellschaft and the Drama League. It is the first time within the memory of the present generation that this greatest of German plays will be presented in Boston. Mr. Rudolf Christians of the Irving Place Theatre in New York and his German company who will give the play are noted for their skillful interpretation and minute attention to scenic effects so characteristic of the modern German stage. The great success of the performance in New York is assurance for a worthy rendering of this masterpiece of modern literature. Circulars giving full information about the preliminary sale of tickets open to all members of the University may be had at the rooms of the Deutsche Verein, Grays 20. JOHN A. WALZ.
