

Volume Replete With University Information of Interest for Sale at the Cooperative Stores.

There are still a number of copies of this year's Register left at the two Cooperative stores. There seems to be an erroneous impression current to the effect that the volume has grown much smaller and yet the price raised. The Student Council deemed it expedient to raise the price from 75 cents to $1.00, in an attempt to make the book more nearly pay for itself. The real reason for the volume appearing less thick than last year is due to a much thinner quality of paper being used, although leaving out the College Directory did, of course, somewhat decrease its size.

Reason for Omitting Directory.

There has been considerable criticism of the Register Board for leaving out this Directory. The printing of the book costs two dollars per page, and the Directory would take ninety-three pages. At least two weeks before the Register appeared the University put on sale these Directories, in white paper covers, at 25 cents each. This year it was found necessary to cut down expenses as much as possible, without actually harming the content of the Register. For this reason it was decided to leave out this College Directory rather than either the Directory by Dormitories or the Geographical Directory, neither of which can be found elsewhere. Next year it is to be hoped that this department of the book will again be complete, as here-to-fore.

Of Value to Preparatory Schools.

The Student Council urges students and members of the various Territorial Clubs to buy copies of the Register, and send them to their preparatory school or to the high schools at home. In this way they will be co-operating with the Territorial Clubs as well as with the various Harvard Clubs over the country, in spreading attractive information concerning activities at Harvard. No where else can there be found records of Athletics, Representative Interests, Publications, Religious and Philanthropic Interests, Registered Clubs, Preparatory School Clubs, Social Organizations--information of vital and intense interest to the sub-Freshman as well as to the graduate who wishes to keep in touch with the University.


Trade Ads. at a Reduction.

The Register also has a large number of trade ads. to dispose of at a considerable reduction. A list of these will be published in the near future. Any further information concerning these may be obtained of H. A. Murray '15, 6 Holyoke Place.
