

Appointments Must be Made at Once.--Album Needs Artistic Talent.

Saturday is the last day for members of the Senior Class whose names are included between Abbe and Hyde to make arrangements for sittings at Notman's studio. To date 56 men have done so, and it is essential that all others make appointments immediately as follows: Abbe to Hyde--January 21 to February 13. Ingraham to Swift--February 14 to February 21. Taylor to Zehner--February 22 to March 6. Men may have their sittings at any time before these specified dates, but not later than the time fixed in each case. Group pictures must also be taken at an early date. The final date for the return of the Album "Lives" is March 1st.

Book-Plate Designs.

All members of the Class who have artistic ability are requested to submit designs for the book-plate to be used in the Album. The competition will close March 15th, and the man whose design is chosen will be presented with an Album by the Committee. 1914 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.
