
Sophomores Awarded Numerals

The following 18 Sophomores have been awarded their numerals, subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee, for participating in the Sophomore Junior game for the class championship, which was won by the Sophomores: Harry Bromfield Cabot, Jr., of Brookline; Alan Campbell Clark, of Boston; Theodore Clark, manager, of Hayden Lake, Idaho; George Herbert Crocker, Jr., of Fitchburg; David Duncan, of Port Washington, L. I., N. Y.; Thomas Hooper Eckfeldt, Jr., of Concord; Charles Higginson, of Brookline; Leslie Price Jacobs, of Laramie, Wyo.; Gregory Jones, of Los Angeles, Cal.; Douglas Gordon Lovell, of Garrison, Md.; Henry Whitney Minot, of Boston; Leslie Allen Morgan, of Potwin, Kan.; John Winthrop Pennock, of Syracuse, N. Y.; Richard Watson Sadler, of Carlisle, Pa.; Willard Sears Simpkins, of Yarmouth Port; Wallis Whiting Webber, of Brighton; Hunt Wentworth, of Chicago, Ill.; and Henry Wharton, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa.

These men will be awarded sweaters with their numerals in the class colors.
