


The first elections of Senior officers will be held in the main hall of Phillips Brooks House today between 8 o'clock in the morning and 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

The officers to be chosen are First, Second and Third Marshals, Treasurer, Orator, Ivy Orator, Poet, Odist and Chorister.

Seniors are reminded of the following rules relating to the election of marshals: "Every voter shall vote for three marshals, indicating his preference for First Marshal. Of the three elected, that candidate receiving the highest number of votes for First Marshal shall be de- clared First Marshal; of the other two elected, that one whose total vote is higher shall be Second Marshal, and the other one the Third Marshal. Every ballot not containing the required number of names for marshals shall be invalid."

In addition, every voter will be required to give his name and initials in full to the man in charge of the polls. No Senior will be permitted to vote whose name is not on the voters' list or who has not previously petitioned the Nominating Committee to have his name so added.

Complete Nomination List.


Following is the complete list of nominations:

Marshals--Russell Romeyn Ayres, of Montclair, N. J.; Charles Edward Brickley, of Everett; Francis Whittier Capper, of Brookline; Hugo Francke, of Cambridge; Henry Alexander Murray, Jr., of New York, N. Y.; Gardiner Howland Shaw, of Boston; John Cleveland Talbot, of Milton; and Walter Henry Trumbull, Jr., of Salem.

Treasurer.--Thomas Kinsman Richards, of Spokane, Wash.; James Greenough, of Cambridge.

Orator.--John Bovingdon, of Seattle, Wash.; Robert Walston Chubb, of St. Louis, Mo.; Edward Warren Joyce, of Dorchester; Watson McLeay Washburn, of New York, N. Y.

Ivy Orator.--Paul Blackmur, of Quincy; Richard Edward Connell, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; David Rives Sigourney of Boston.

Poet.--Lionel de Jersey Harvard, of London, England; Day Kimball, of Boston.

Odist.--Joseph Garland, of Gloucester; Devereux Colt Josephs, of Newport, R. I.; Arthur Lithgow Osborne, of Auburn, N. Y.

Chorister.--Edward Hearsey Barry, of Newton Centre; Norris Lowell Tibbetts, of Lowell.

The First Marshal acts as president of the class, introduces the Ivy Orator, and leads cheers on Class Day. The three Marshals, as well as the Treasurer and Secretary, are ex-office members of the Class Committee. The Treasurer has charge of the funds of the class. The Orator, Odist, and Poet deliver parts in Sanders Theatre on Class Day morning, and the Chorister leads "Fair Harvard." The Ivy Orator delivers a humorous speech in the Stadium on the afternoon of Class Day.

The following Juniors have been appointed watchers at the polls, and anyone who cannot be on hand at the hour indicated is requested to provide a substitute: 8 to 9, L. S. Chichester, W. K. B. Emerson, Jr.; 9 to 10, F. P. Clement, Jr., D. C. Watson; 10 to 11, R. Cutler, C. F. Farrington; 11 to 12, E. W. Mahan, K. Bromley; 12 to 1, T. Sizer, R. T. Twitchell; 1 to 2, R. Whittier, D. Loring, Jr.; 2 to 3, W. C. Boyden, Jr., S. M. Felton, Jr.; 3 to 4, E. H. Foreman, W. Blanchard; 4 to 5, K. B. G. Parson, J. A. Jeffries; 5 to 6, W. J. Bingham, R. N. Williams, 2d

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