

First Senior Elections Tomorrow.--Class Smoker in Evening.

The following nominations by petition for class offices have been received by the 1915 Nominating Committee:

Marshal.--Francis Whittler Capper, of Brookline.

Orator.--Robert Walston Chubb, of St. Louis, Mo.; Edward Warren Joyce, of Dorchester.

Ivy Orator.--Paul Blackmur, of Quincy.

Odist.--Joseph Garland, of Gloucester.


The following men have withdrawn their nominations for offices.

Malcolm Justin Logan for Treasurer; Cyril Francis Damon for Treasurer.

The following Juniors have been appointed watchers at the polls for tomorrow. Anyone who cannot be on hand at the hour indicated is requested to provide a substitute; 8 to 9, L. S. Chichester, W. K. B. Emerson, Jr.; 9 to 10, F. P. Clement, Jr., D. C. Watson; 10 to 11, R. Cutler, C. F. Farrington; 11 to 12, E. W. Mahan, K. Bromley; 12 to 1, T. Sizer, R. T. Twitchell; 1 to 2, R. Whittier, D. Loring, Jr.; 2 to 3, W. C. Boyden, Jr., S. M. Felton, Jr.; 3 to 4, E. H. Foreman, W. Blanchard; 4 to 5, K. B. G. Parson, J. A. Jeffries; 5 to 6, W. J. Bingham, R. N. Williams, 2nd.

A Senior smoker will be held in the Dining Room of the Union tomorrow night at 9.15 o'clock. Direct returns from the elections of Class Day officers will be given out as soon as possible.
